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Case Study: Preparing for Hurricane Sandy

Preparing for a hurricane like SuperStorm Sandy means anticipating possible challenges. Compu Dynamics’ ingenuity, responsiveness, and dedication to exceptional customer service helped their client maintain uninterrupted uptime during a severe weather event.

An international data center cloud and colocation hosting company.

As SuperStorm Sandy approached the East Coast in October 2012, data centers prepared for the possibility of severe infrastructure damage, power outages, and time offline. The primary concern for one Compu Dynamics client? Their generator housing had low points around the main entrance and intake vents, and was located fifty feet from a flood plain. If water from the storm rose above the generator enclosure’s doorstep, the generator could flood, causing prolonged power loss and major damage to key equipment.

• Filled the generator fuel tank during the week before the hurricane hit in case of lengthy power outage.
• Worked through the weekend to develop an effective, affordable solution to protect mission-critical equipment and prevent infrastructure damage.
• Purchased and transported sandbags to client location and set up a sandbag blockade around the generator enclosure to prevent flooding.

“The data center manager was concerned about how we would get the sandbags to the site, but I told him we would take care of it. We were willing and able to deploy resources during a time-sensitive weather event, while working hand-in-hand with client personnel to implement the solution. We put our client’s needs first and support business continuity during every opportunity.” —Brian Ducharme, Compu Dynamics Account Manager

The sandbag solution was cost-effective, easy to deploy and replicate in the future, and ensured continuous data center operations and stress relief for the client. Thanks to Compu Dynamics’ quick response, creative problem solving, committed field team, industry expertise, and integrated solutions, the water level did not rise above the doorstep level or damage the generator.

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